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“Life is the period between one breath and the next; a person who only half breathes, only half lives. He, who breathes correctly, acquires control of the whole being.”

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

What is Flow Breath?

Flow Breath is a compilation of practice and music combined to create a journey of consciousness within, through and beyond the body using the current of breath and sound within the field of Shuniya, the zero point.
Practicing this technique, we allow ourselves to snap into presence and become one with our actions. Then we discover, innovate, create and become insanely productive.

Benefits of Flow Breath

Mind Gets Clear ~ Body Opens ~Soul Leads

You’re focused ~ You’re energized ~ You’re inspired

Become neutral and calm ~ Self love and compassion grow ~ Focus and concentration heighten ~ Confidence soars ~ Learn to breathe and relax ~ Self-regulate nervous system ~ Release emotions and trauma ~ Clear programs and patterns ~ Increase vitality and passion ~ Intuition is clear and heightened ~ You become present ~ Synchronicities increase ~ Creativity peaks

Results are beyond amazing!

Flow Breath History

Flow Breath is derived from multiple lineages of practice. The three-part open mouth breathing comes from Breathlight as taught by Michael King which was derived in part from Passion of Life Transformational Breath as taught by Ishna, Ray Solanki

Flow breath also pulls from kundalini yoga lineages of Swami Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar school in India.

Support practises of facilitation are derived from PSYCH – K Belief Re-patterining, Spiritual Response Therapy, Acupressure Therapy and Chakra Balancing.